Sunday, December 13, 2009

Craft Shows

Corrie and I have been busy with craft shows this season. So far some have been bad, some have been good, but overall I am pleased for even getting around to doing one! I have been thinking of new goals for the new year... such as getting back to traditional metalsmithing and such... We will see how that goes!

Here are some images of us at the Philadelphia Independent Craft Market Holiday Edition:

We have one more craft show to go! Come check us out at Johnny Brenda's this Sunday!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Been experimenting...

Craft show in a week and I'm hardly ready. I'm still trying to perfect these monogram necklaces...
C is for Cat!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I always have a problem focusing on multiple things...

I've been on a little bit of a hiatus lately. Working on lesson plans, dealing with crappy real life stuff, etc. I'm finally starting to work on a couple of new pieces for the holidays. These are just the beginnings of a new smaller necklace I'm going to be making...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Q-pot Jewelry

I never knew Q-pot in Japan primarily made jewelry! I always thought they made cell phone charms. Totally innovative and adorable jewelry. I need to be making things like this! Q-pot!

Friday, September 25, 2009

If only I could be as cool..

I would have fun music days such as this one.

My Crafty Wedding Obsession...

Photography by Brookelyn Photography

As many of you know, I am determined to hand make 90% of my wedding (whenever I get married). Martha Stewart always showcases the most beautiful weddings-- and I am always gathering ideas from her... but I just discovered this blog: Once Wed.

The site is filled with wonderful D.I.Y ideas, beautiful wedding photography, and the most charming handmade weddings. You need to check out this awesome escort card idea! Which would fit perfectly in my dream wedding!

For my friends who are thinking of tying the knot (possibly next year, you know who you are!)-- i REALLY recommend this!

PS: Mom & Dad, do not get any ideas that I am engaged.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Eric & Sushma

Ahhh... finally finished arts & crafts week. I made a little elephant for Eric and Sushma. It was supposed to have their names on his side, but I am too tried and unskilled to hand cut fancy letting out.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Portrait No. 4! Finally done!

Now to get Eric's wedding gift started/finished...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Portrait No. 3 -- one more to go + 2!

Just finished Steph's portrait. Not my best one, but I'm glad it's done.
I have a feeling I'm sick! And this is not good for my all-nighter. I suppose I will have to work on Eric's gift Thursday night.

BTW-- I'm watching purple rain for the first time... and I didn't realize it was THIS cheezy...

A dogs life!

I wish I was living this dog's life...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Portrait No. 2

Just finished Austin. Doesn't look anything like him, but i made him into a weird hybrid of him and his dog.

Friday, August 21, 2009

I feel much better that i redid that.

What do you think? should i add in little inked tentacles? i need opinions people!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

im bad at watercoloring

$70 dollars on water color supplies and paper and i suck! im thinking i need to do some old school paper cutting. -_-; long day.

Too many art projects, too little time

Getting a sketch of Meryl, the sea queen?, done. It was supposed to be a sea planet.. but that doesn't seem to be working.

Vacation = Work

Friday, August 14, 2009

Vacation. Finally!

Finally going on a mini break from work and stress. Although I am taking time to relax, I have a lot of things on my list that need to be completed such as...
1. Getting this huge amount of laundry done
2. Buying fresh veggies from the farmers market and some art supplies
3. Working on portraits for Austin's Nexus show
4. and so much more!
I'm really excited to hit the beach-- I haven't been there for a whole year!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tomokazu Matsuyama

I've recently discovered the work of Tomokazu Matsuyama. I wish I could live in this modern-edo era dream land! I encourage you to view his work full size and check out his website!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vintage Coke Cans

Love the look of these vintage coke cans...
Found at The Dieline

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Did some work on my Etsy page today.. in addition to hanging out with the girls- eatin' burgers [veggie] and cookies! Missions are becoming accomplished.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I'm a nerd.

Yes, I'm that nerdy that I created a pink Ninjin icon for my blog! I hope you enjoy. Perhaps it will turn into a block of cheese later. I should practice drawing in 8-bit.

Speaking of which, the lil' bunny boy came over again today! I think he has finally adjusted to our apartment-- he's found some good hiding spots where he can run when I chase him around the room. I planning on making him a fun box house to hide in also. (Since we have a crap load!)

Here he is relaxing from last weekend! Oh it is my dream for my dog of the future and Ninjin to run around together... just like that sweet story of Tarra & Bella.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kawaii lil' buta!

Okay, this lil' guy isn't Japanese, but nevertheless I love him and wish I could have him in my home. [Or at least take a little happy beautiful nap like him]
pig via auto.

Now that my busy month is officially over (maybe)-- it's time to refocus on my crafting and setting up my new studio. I need some new direction in my life! And a website!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rice Patty Designs in Japan

Very interesting slideshow of artistic rice fields in Japan via The Telegraph.

Cat Friends

As many of you already know, I am highly allergic to cats! But that does not mean I do not enjoy their company. A few weekends ago I was happy to discover we have a friendly neighborhood cat. She/He must belong to someone on our block. The cat found us around midnight after we had come back from getting late night ice cream. Super friendly and loves to be pet! The cat reminds me of when Miku, Becky's cat, would greet my parents and I when we returned home. Now.. to only get the cat to jump up to our windows and say hello!

[Btw, sorry for my delays on posting. We are now living in our new place and our internet has yet to switch over. I have lots to show!]

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Painting... in progress

I have to truthfully say, I am further along with our bedroom paining than this photo says! The final product is supposed to be white trees against a yellow background. Ah.. its been kinda of a mess-- I chose probably TOO light of yellow... so you can hardly see the trees. I'm thinking of going to add details with some more mustardy yellow color. I can't repaint.. 12ft tall ceilings are crazy.

Also, this is our final week of moving/cleaning. We have so much to do! I have strained my arms, so I kinda did the fun stuff like find lamps and etc instead of packing. Ugh! SO much to do!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm sorry I haven't updated-- lots has been improved in our new place and I need to get those pictures up! Meanwhile.. here is a cute video!

Via Japan Probe

Monday, July 13, 2009

Blue Painting

We have finally broken some ground on our new place. Thanks to Dad this weekend, I was able to get a lot started on our new place. We stopped by the home improvement store to pick up the much needed paint and look for some new lighting. Dad suggested we get ceiling fan for our living room, which I had never thought of doing and am SO happy we did!

As you can see, Jeremy and I have tackled the living room and painted it a "Sea Air" color. It really has made me feel a lot better about our place. It is super cute and this picture from my iPhone is not doing it justice. Jeremy was a bit hesitant at first- because he saw the potential of it looking like a smurf.... but it doesn't!

Also, this past weekend I picked up some great decor stuff from the Brooklyn Flea! Mostly pictures that I need to buy frames for.. but nevertheless, awesomeness! My wallet is just hurting right now.. so no more buying... till probably this coming weekend.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Jeremy and I decided to check out the apartment today to choose paint colors. We have decided on this light sky blue color for our living room and a yummy (light) yellow for our bed room. I'm sorry that we did not go to Manhattan Mist, tho I still love the choice, Tran. This weekend I hope to make it to the store to purchase the paint.

I must say, I am so thankful Jeremy has the patience to deal with my apartment issues! I have been having nightmares over this place and Jeremy is doing a lot to make our new place comfortable!
Thank you!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Big Trees!

I keep on finding more and more things to clean in our new place. It's somewhat stressful--- since I am now having nightmares about all the things that need to be done to fix our home. I'm so tired of being angry that common necessities are lacking in our new place, such as a bathroom window that open.

On a happier note, I have discovered the pure joy of using baking soda and water to clean all the caked on dirt and grossness in our place. Although I am busy preparing for my new class, I am excited to start to finally paint. It's going to be a challenge, because our bedroom has 12ft tall ceilings, but I had decided I was going to do a big nature inspired wall stencil like I had done in one of my older apartments...

I'm late on blogging about this fad, but I have to say.. I too have fallen in love with the Cole & Son Birch Tree Wall Paper. My wall forest isn't going to be as detailed as their beautiful wall paper, but probably similar in color. My friend handed me a sample of "Manhattan Mist", a nice soft grey color, which I think will do nicely in our new bedroom!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

New Blog, New Beginnings

July has come and its the busiest month I have been mentally putting off for what seems forever. Jeremy and I picked up the keys to our new place, which is much bigger and quite the fixer upper for us. When we saw the place, we had fallen in love with all the space that was offered, and the somewhat reasonable price for our neighborhood (which tends to be on the pricey side). Although I am a bit disappointed with over looking all the things that need to be updated... I'm quite excited to get in there and really make this apartment our home.

Our New Bedroom

Living room // Dining Room (That light fixture has got to go!)

So for now, I'm focusing on what colors to paint our walls. I'm looking for suggestions for what color to paint our living room!

In other news, I am going to start teaching again this week. I'm looking forward to working with new students and actually kinda also to the nervousness! Hahahah-- I never thought I'd say that. Now.. to get that slide show done..

Happy Fourth! I hope you all are eating veggie burgers and bbq!